Refining Plié and Relevé

Optimizing Movement & Training Strategies for the Dancer

Join Andrea Zujko and Jennifer Milner for the third course in their Refining Series focused on the essential movements of Plié and Relevé. Comprising two of the fundamental building blocks in ballet, the ability to bend the knees and rise onto the balls of the feet are movements that both the novice and the professional utilize to build and maintain strength, flexibility, and balance.

Adequate use of plié aids a dancer’s ability to appear to float across the floor, allowing for more solid jumps and more secure landings with less risk of injury. Plié helps to center turns, improve carriage, and increases the capacity to breathe properly. A good plié also provides the control for more precise timing and more expressive musicality.

Optimal relevé alignment fosters a connection between the core and muscles of the entire lower extremity that manifests as a strong, stable ankle. The stronger the relevé, the smoother the turn and the more solid the balance. 

While basic, the movements of plié and relevé plie are far from trivial and are often plagued by compensations. These can be readily seen in various movement patterns that illustrate insufficient control of lumbopelvic alignment, hip external rotator and abductor recruitment and foot and ankle stability. 

Join them for a two-day virtual workshop focused on analyzing and optimizing the quality of execution and timing of these two foundational movements.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

  1. Review the specific anatomy and biomechanics involved in plié and relevé. 

  1. Perform an assessment of the entire lower extremity kinetic chain specifically targeting the requirements of plié and relevé. 

  2. Identify correct movement patterning and muscle recruitment strategies required for the optimal performance of plié and relevé in parallel and turnout. 

  3. Analyze the most common impaired movement strategies/compensations seen when performing plié and relevé.

  4. Incorporate the use of props to address fascial restrictions and assist neuromuscular re-education of optimal lumbopelvic, hip, knee and ankle movement required for plié and relevé. 

  5. Build the goals of both movement and control of lumbopelvic, hip knee ankle and foot into the performance of plié and relevé within ballet-based repertoire with and/or without the use of props. 

  6. Carry the principles learned into the dance studio in an efficient and practical way. 

Refining Plié and Relevé: Optimizing Movement & Training Strategies for the Dancer

Dates: April 27-28, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 PM Eastern time

Format: Online/interactive via zoom

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Pricing & Discounts:

  • Registrations made before March 29, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern time are $395 with code EARLYRPR24

  • Registrations made after March 29, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern time are $445.00